
Showing posts from December, 2022

Java GC and memory leaks, Thread and System performance

  Memory management is an important aspect of programming in Java, as it affects the performance and efficiency of your application. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how Java manages memory and some best practices for optimizing your application's use of memory. Java Memory Model In Java, memory is divided into two main areas: the heap and the stack. The heap is a shared area of memory that is used to store objects. When you create a new object in Java, it is allocated on the heap. The heap is managed by the garbage collector, which is responsible for cleaning up objects that are no longer being used by the application. The stack is used to store local variables and method calls. When you call a method in Java, a new frame is created on the stack to hold the method's local variables and return value. When the method returns, the frame is popped off the stack. Java also has a special area of memory called the permgen space, which is used to store class definition